“Underglow” lights – Are they legal?

Maybe you have seen them. “Underglow” lights are neon or LED lights mounted under a vehicle that light up the road surface.  The effect is quite dramatic as it gives the vehicle a halo effect that makes it appear as it is “floating”.  The problem is, despite the fact that they are inarguably cool to look at, they are illegal in many states. 


The laws concerning the use of underglow lights are typically covered under individual state laws and traffic codes.  The codes vary greatly from state to state so if you are thinking of mounting under glow lights under your car or truck, be sure to check with your state laws first. According to Arrigo Palm Beach in Southern Fl, you are allowed to have them under your vehicle in Florida but you can’t use them when on the road.  As we mentioned, check your state codes first if you are thinking of using them.

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